Cameron, 4, loves trucks, dinosaurs, cooking and coloring. This spring, he received the experience of a lifetime when he and his family went to Disney for his Dream. “It was wonderful,” his father told us.  

Cameron packed a lot into his week in Florida, visiting just about all of the major theme parks. But his favorite was one that has a special place in our hearts, too. When we asked Cameron what his favorite park was, he immediately and enthusiastically answered, “The hotel!” (Give Kids the World Village) 

Cameron spent every day at the arcade, had an encounter with a snake and a baby alligator from Gator Land, and really enjoyed the Village Halloween Party. “I want to go back!” Cameron exclaimed. 

Cameron also became the first kid in all of Toby’s Dream history to reach the point of defeat from all-you-can-eat ice cream! “He had so much ice cream that he got to the point where he didn’t want anymore!” his father said. 

Some of the highlights for Cameron’s parents were getting to spend some time with family while in Florida and watching the sea lions at SeaWorld. “That was a very entertaining experience,” his father said. 

After surgeries, radiation, and chemo, “This trip was a great way to relieve about two years of built-up stress,” his father reflected. His mother added, “This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was all possible because of Toby’s Dream. We are beyond thankful.” 

And even sweeter than all the memories Cameron made with his family, we are happy to report that his recent MRI showed him to be cancer-free!  

We are thankful for our partnership with #ChartwayPromiseFoundation for helping to fund this Dream.