Robert, age 18, knew exactly what he wanted to do when we asked him what he had in mind for his Dream experience. So much so, that his dedication earned him the Toby’s Dream Record for Fastest Dream Experience award. “Robert was completely prepared to shop at Best Buy and had researched his wish list. He completed his shopping spree in 30 minutes! He was able to purchase a complete gaming PC and all the accessories to go with it,” said his volunteer Dream Maker, Melissa. “I have wanted one for a long time,” said Robert, adding, “At first I was going to work my way up to it and build my own, but now I have this one.” Robert says he is enjoying using his new PC and uses it a lot, mostly to play games, like Call of Duty.
After his shopping spree, Robert, and his closest friend, Samontae, were treated to lunch at Dirty Buffalo, which Robert said he had been wanting to try. “They had some really good wings – even better than Buffalo Wild Wings. I always go for mild wings with ranch.”
Robert also enjoyed the added luxury of the Orange Peel suburban that escorted him around town for his Dream. “That truck they picked me up in was really nice!” he said.
We are so happy Robert got to enjoy a short and sweet and straight-to-the-point shopping experience and lunch with his best bud. We are thankful for our partnership with Chartway Promise Foundation in helping to make this Dream come true for Robert.