Date: September 29, 2015
Place: Bayville Golf Club
18 pros from the PGA Tour will join us for the first pro-am tournament hosted by Toby’s Dream Foundation. VIP reception will held the night before for an opportunity to mingle with the pros as well as a few other celebrity guests. A total of 72 amateurs will have the experience of playing with one PGA pro on the front nine and a second PGA pro on the back nine. Major sponsors get first choice of which pros to join their team.
Contact Joan Steele at 757-615-7068 or for information on how you can become a part of this incredible opportunity!

PGA Tour Golfer, Marc Leishman with two of our dream kids, Aubree, age 4 and James, age 10 at Bayville Golf Club
Marc is a generous supporter of Toby’s Dream Foundation and the 2015 Pro-Am Tournament!