Kimber meets ALL the Princesses

Kimber, age 6, is full of energy! The first time Toby’s Dream Foundation’s staff met Kimber she was months into recovering from having limb salvage surgery on her right leg. One would expect to see her being wheeled around in a wheel chair, on the contrary, she was racing her parents and TDF staff using her walker shouting, “I’m gonna beat you!” It was incredible to witness first hand just how much life this little girl has!

Kimber’s biggest dream was to meet ALL the princesses at Disney World and that is just what she did! “I got to meet Merida, I met Belle and Tiana and Aurora and all the other princesses! Even Anna and Elsa!” How did Kimber get to meet all of her favorite Disney princesses? Well, when the TDF children go to Disney World for their Dream they are given a Blue Genie Pass once they arrive at Give Kids the World Village. This pass allows them to jump the lines for rides and sometimes for characters, too! Truly, the list of characters Kimber met went on and on as she excitedly rifled them off!

Aside from meeting all the Disney princesses and characters, Kimber’s favorite experiences on her Dream trip was the “giant water park” and eating ice cream at Give Kids the World Village. Kimber shared that she enjoyed ice cream once or twice a day! Another special character she got to meet while at The Village was Stellar the Star Fairy! Each child who visits Give Kids the World Village creates a special star just for them. Stellar the Star Fairy puts every child’s star in the Star Tower where it stays forever and ever!

For Kimber’s family, the entire trip was a highlight! Kimber’s mom, Caitlin shared, “The whole trip was so awesome. It was so special being at Give Kids, everything is just for the kids, the pool being the perfect height for them, they get to eat free ice cream all day, and all of the little places to play!” Kimber’s mom summed up their Dream experience by saying, “It felt like we were given back time we lost when Kimber was on treatment.”

Kimberly pointing at her star she created!

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and Kimber’s smile in her pictures say it all! We are thankful for our partnership with We Promise Foundation for helping us provide so much joy to these children and their families!

For the children we serve… Tomorrow begins with a Dream.